Have you guys seen this movie? Has Jessica Alba and this other guy I forget (yes, I could google it, but I wont)
Anyways, its about this guy who gets cursed that every girl he sleeps with will meet The One after they sleep with him. Then of course, he falls in love with Jessica Alba, really wants to sleep with her.. yada yada...

Ok. Im starting to know how Charlie feels like (ok fine, I googled it. Actor is Dane Cook)

Im getting this creepy feeling that all the guys who have been with me are getting/ have gotten married!

I could name a few of course, but then you might be able to put the pieces together and figure out who it is.

Though the most recent addition is Numbers! The Numbers who spirited me away to his room while he was in town. Who gave me his room while he spirited away. *sigh* I remember the body on this man, and the soft cloudy kisses.

Anyways, was talking to him online, catching up (we're just friends now) and he tells me....

Not that I got slighted for the wedding or whatever, apparently it was extremely hush hush (I dont even know which relatives went)

Reminds me of N.Boy a few years ago. He was with me, broke up with his gf, then ended things with me so that he could go back to her.

Oh and what did he say?

"She's the one. She's my soulmate"

rrriiiggghhhhttttt .... THATS why you had to cheat on her. I get it.

So I guess if you men want to settle down, hey give me a shout. Apparently I can be quite a good luck charm (as in you would realize I am not the girl of your dreams and the girl you are with is) in ensuring you settle down
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