
The people at my company are a solid bunch of males. In an industry where men dominate and in a constant game of “who has the bigger balls”, women are usually left to aside fighting for that little space to call their own.

Right now the target is to have a female for every three guys. An odds that trust me, would have improved my social life much.

Of the bunch, its really nice to be working with Filipino men, and to find out that they are indeed the most gallant gentlemen of the bunch. I work with one right now and he is seriously kind. The kind of man who walks you to your car without asking, holds open the door for you and will always ask if you need a hand with that heavy bag. Polite and very nice. What a catch right?

Yesterday I shared a car with Mr 1987 and a few other senior officers. I was stuck sitting in the back seat of a car that would fit 4. Thank god for the little extra seat at the back. When we arrived at our destination, all of the senior officers stepped out, with Mr 1987 closing the door on me before I could even say anything. Flabbergasted (what? he already mistook me for another girl a few times around), I said thanks to the driver and walked away. I thought nothing of it, him being my senior and all and was so surprised to get an email today from him apologizing for closing the door in my face =D

Last night I was hanging out with a new colleague. A guy my age that shares the same wavelength with me. He asked me how long its been since I last dated. So I told him the truth, 2 years my friends. My social life has officially been over for too long now.

Sleeping with men don't count as dates.

Dates: A guy actually asking you out for dinner, or lunch, or something! to get to know you better in the hopes of finding the right mate to start a relationship

Last year I was hanging out with my then boss and he asked me the same question, at which point of course it had been just one year.

A few weekends ago, another friend asked me and was shocked (he just HAD to exaggerate the face) to find out I haven’t had a relationship in two years.

Then they all look at me like its my fault. What?!

You think I want to be single for the rest of my life? I have been constantly reminded of the dooming bells of motherhood starting to swoop down trying to sink its tentacles into me.

I don't know if you guys would react that way. Would it be a surprise to know that I haven’t been asked out once in over two years?

The newbie listed out my demographics, making me sound like quite a catch. Then we stared at each other in disbelief

Him: And you haven’t been asked out in the past two years?
Me: Nope

And with my old rule of never dating colleagues, I guess thus ends the relationship shelf life of this serial maneater

Though I would have given up that stupid rule for Mr 1987. Le sigh

*here she lies, a lonely single woman, she had lots of friend, handbags and lots of men*

1 Response
  1. Anonymous Says:

    oh my darling
    never lonely, oh no no no.