I broked myself out this weekend. Going on massive retail therapy since I had no clothes (re: dignity) left.

Yesterday I did my accounts and almost cried. Urgh, thank god I had a little savings stashed away.
0% APR is the devil I swear

On another note, I have the sluttiest classy dress ever! which I shall be wearing to the wedding of the year afterparty. Im throwing a hen night for the bride. Anyone know where I can get a good male stripper in this country?

Piece of good news. I put myself out there and heard a response. Its not formal, its not anything, but it was just a response to me.

I feel wanted by the world again.

Sometimes, you hit the bottom thinking you're worthless, that the world doesnt make sense, that everything you worked for is gone. Of course you breathe, you find a way out, and hop gravity shows you its the right way

As for that other problem that I had. I guess after all these years, it is simply something I cannot solve or deal with, so I would much rather take the lionly way of simply running away
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