My secret tip to you. Forever.
Money. Money doesnt make the world go round.

I get tired sometimes, of people who think that money solves all problems. It doesnt. Im tired of people complaining that they dont have enough. We never will. Sometimes it takes living within your means, sometimes it takes the clarity of mind to know that things. Material things. Cannot buy you happiness

Its cliche'ed I know. But thats the truth. People say to me, if I had your money, I would be so much happier. You wont. I know. It would only mask your sadness for a little bit. Make you forget for a little bit. But you would still be empty inside, and you will begin to wonder if something is wrong with you that having everything in the world still cannot fix you.

I have money.
I make money.

I am happier now than I was in college, true. But its related more to the fact that my family and friends are here with me. That I can be with them.

All the money in the world couldnt have bought me that.

And yes, to make all this money, I work. I work like a dog sometimes, most times. I fall under stress and I get sad and depressed and I cry. And I complain, and I worry. I get scared that this, all this that I have will be taken away from me.

Is that really the way you want to live?

Of course, I know. This is the kind of thing where you would never believe, or never understand until youre actually in the situation. You tell me, of course you can say things like that, you have money. So I cant say. And you wont understand. And you would think that if you were me, you would have spent it all. But lets face it, in the beginning, its fun.

You cash out everything, dont think twice about what youre going to buy. You can go anywhere, do anything.

But then its over. Its like binge eating or drinking. You get your fill. Say wow that was great. Then you settle down and eat small portions. You drink iced water like everyone else.

You are no different, and sometimes you dont even think about what you have or dont have in the bank.

Money, doesnt solve anything. Money cannot buy you everything.

But if you honestly think it does, dont just take my word for it. Go out, do whatever it takes to get that money (hell, I had three jobs in college and barely slept). Dont complain that I have money and you dont.

Go make some.
2 Responses
  1. Anonymous Says:

    Money's not the most important thing in life, but it's right up there with oxygen.

  2. Anonymous Says:

    i likey postey.