He is built, good looking, wit so sharp he could cut diamonds in the rough. We used to compare notes on our conquests, laugh over missed steps tears over coffee over sitting in out living room talking about life.

We loved hanging out with each other that summer, so much so that I asked him to move in with me the following year.

It was a bit harder this time around. He was barely around and I resented him when he was. His dishes piling up in the sink. His crazy ex gf stalking our house. My ex-bf back then who wasnt the ex would always be around and we never had privacy.

When my ex installed the air conditioner in my room that summer he would come in and lie next to me, we watched really bad tv shows on that tv that I hadnt blown yet and lay next to each other trying to not melt. Me walking around in my bra and shorts. Him in his boxers.

We were never shy at all about things, then I graduated and moved on. He moved on, we barely kept in touch.

We both got good jobs and he located to south east asia. And I didnt hear from him forever, until last week

When he decided to tell me he was visiting me as a surprise.

I dont get it, I have loved this boy for so long and he has loved me too. We get along incredibly well, get each others jokes and thoughts. We both love sex and find the other person attractive. He has a good stable job now and is smart enough I have confidence he would never have any problems anywhere

Why didnt I date him? I honestly have no idea....
1 Response
  1. Anonymous Says:

    I always thought he was a bit of a dork and his girlfriends were never nearly as good looking as you. I'm not surprised you have actually never dated: he patiently waited for his turn but there was always someone else in line, someone who was not a sure bet. Tick-tack, the time ran out.