He told me he was leaving... Going away for a week to work and enjoy his holiday.
We talked about it, his leaving. I was scared he want going to come back. I thought he would meet a cute little beach bunny, and mesmerized by the sun and the surf and the sand, he would leave me here while he lived there.

I was afraid. And in the car while we talked about it, he held my hand and told me no. He wasnt going to meet anyone, he was going to stay true... to me.

I sat silent, un-trusting. In my hearts of heart I knew he was going to be seduced. He was going to fall in love. He wasnt coming back.

I watched him leave. He held my hand and gave me a kiss and the keys to his apartment.

I watched him smile and knew that the largest part of me wanted him happy. Wants him happy. No matter what happens between us.

I was right.

This morning I get a text message from him

"I love xxx"

My darling Silverwolf. Your country has seduced him beyond anything. He is happy in his fleeting moments of arriving and I am so scared he will want to move there permanently.

Without me.

Though I think it would have been perfect. A country where a mixed relationship could thrive. Where both he and I would feel at home.

We'll see how serious he is.

We'll see how serious we are.
1 Response
  1. Anonymous Says:

    Darling i'm afraid to say it but i love XXX too, you know that.... we should ALL bloody move there... us with our demons and our mixed race relations and our inconvenient truths and unconventions.

