A mistake.

I had meant to send him a story about us. So that he would know what its like. What it was like...

Instead I sent together with it the link to my blog..

He found out. 0_0

Today, coming back from a half week down south and him a weeks trip far east, he held me and told me that he wont come back here if I didnt want him to anymore. That he understands. This is my private thing. Sometimes people need to vent. Sometimes people need to just talk. and share things, both good and bad.

He says he wont come here anymore. And I said ok.

I guess there is no need for self censorship. There shouldnt be a need. Were supposed to be honest to each other, open to each other. And we are.. I am.. its just.. sometimes I need the blog to formulate things I want to say to him.

Sometimes I need to see it outside in the world to asses whether it makes sense or not.

I thank him for leaving this alone, my haven alone.

Then I can crawl into his arms and be in that haven too
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