The Boyfriend and I can be quite anal sometimes. In our line of work, we become trained to be organized and efficient. We get trained to really a lot more on Excel. In me, it has helped to harness the organization that only comes with a job where every second does count. Every dollar does matter

So which is why we both have quite tight control over our personal accounts.

The Boyfriend sets out a yearly budget on how much he spends for shopping. You know, clothes/ shoes/ accessories/ etc. I instead will assess every situation and decide then and there if I
a) Need it
b) Can afford it

Needless to say, with it being the year end and all, we started cleaning up our accounts again. And for the first time... ever! I summed up all that I had spent shopping this year and last...

... and I had never felt more disgusted with myself.

I will spare you the details except to say that my spending was within the realm of a five figure digit and was easily twice as much as The Boyfriend. As I looked back into a few years trends (I am that particular with my accounts) I realized that it was pretty much as expected. In my first two years working, I spent an even more ludicrous amounts then I did in my third year of working. I guess it went with the whole feeling Ive had since end of last year where I realized, I no longer wanted to buy EVERYTHING. I became more selective. Deciding to buy something only if and when it really made sense. So even though the amount was still crazy, at the very least it was less than my first two years.

I decided to try and be practical about things. Try to avoid buying a million cheaper shoes (some of which have resulted in me having a sprained ankle) but instead to just buy one pair of really good shoes and to wear it until it breaks down. No more skirts, no more suit jackets as I have already amassed what I think is clearly a sufficient amount. More discipline in my purchases.

But then of course since its year end, its also bonus time, and this time it wasnt amazing, but it wasnt so bad. So I decided to get the two things that I had really wanted for a while now, and had planned to buy

A pair of sensible black shoes for work
A belt Ive been eye-ing for more than half a year now

I was talking to my colleague about bonus when he pointed out that I had actually read the wrong line... and that my bonus was 5 digits smaller than what I had thought I had received


1 Response
  1. Anonymous Says:

    Dear Author !
    Till what time?