so.... everyone lies right? I mean sure there are BIG BIG lies, then there are little white lies. Then there are lies where you dont want them to know the truth because it might hurt them more, cause more grief than anything good.

So you lie.

But what if, for that last type of lie, the person finds out? or worse still, suspects that youre not telling the truth. They dont feel good because they seriously suspect that there is no way that was the truth. And they find out later that you had lied, and would be reluctant to believe you in the future

Is the lie worth it then? This zero negative game where you gain nothing by lying but lose so much more by doing so. Or should we live always assuming that we will get caught. That something bad would happen if we did lie.

Then everyone could trust everyone else... right?

And what happens when you do catch someone in a lie. Whats the best way to handle it? Throwing it back at them and telling them there's no way that was true? Saying nothing but believing nothing from then on?

I think everyone has this radar where they can tell when someone else is lying... especially those who dont lie often... coz when they do... theyre pretty bad at it
2 Responses
  1. The Girl Says:

    Errr actually my radar is broken I think. Just like how my gay-dar is broken (or non-existent).

    And I live by the latter. Which is why I have this huge conscience hanging over me. But see, if you believe in the lie, then it's not really a lie, and therefore you're not really telling a lie now, is it? That's how people pass polygraph tests, is my guess.

    Sorry I've been up for almost 19 hours now. I'm not an auditor, investment banker or BCG-er, and therefore not conditioned to work such long hours.

  2. Travis Says:

    actually people who don't lie often are the best liers cause there the least suspect...