"I had written that I had hung up my dancing shoes"
"What do you mean you hung up your dancing shoes? You can always go dancing, Im never going to stop you"
"I know, but I figured, maybe no more dancing on bar tops in little dresses where no one tells me that Im flashing the world"
"Ok, maybe not that.... But you wanted to learn tango. We can go for tango. So dont hang up the dancing shoes"


Saturday night.

We are drunk and happy and surrounded by friends, I am jumping around wildly while he is grooving on the side. Sometimes we reach out and touch each other in the darkness of the night and the pulsating beats of the band.

Our friends come up and dance with me and sometimes shoos me away to his side asking me to never try and be their wingwoman ever again. I am more than happy to be in his arms, dancing like an idiot. Smiling at him, laughing as he holds me close and I lean over too far to pick up a glass.

The nights ends on a high note. Everyone having a good time. As we got in the car, I told him

"I love that we can still do this, go out, you and me, with our friends, and just have a good time, and with them not feeling awkward as well"


I guess I didnt hang up my dancing shoes, as it turns out, I just found another pair far more comfortable to wear
1 Response
  1. Parishna Says:

    if only we all could be that lucky.
    I must say, from reading your blog, you sure deserve this happiness.
    I hope you and buddy get married someday!