Work has been pretty bad lately. I guess with a 4 week deadline looming near, we have no choice but to move things fast fast fast and get things done done done! The long weekend was a welcome. Even though I was the only one working on Labour day from the office, managed to get everything done (so was fairly efficient without any distractions), had the meeting on Friday morning (even though I should be compensated for the Thurs work) and it was off! for the weekend!

My Blackberry stayed on though, that demonic beast

So I spent Friday vegetating in the house which was bliss!
Saturday was spent fighting with the boyfriend. Even though we managed to
a) Condo hunt together
b) I managed to go to Strip
c) Had lunch with me me me! at Bodegas and Mojo Picon dip! I swear the waiters were making a bet on how much I could eat (I had the Big Breakfast AND Mojo Picon)and coffee and my book
d) Checked out FJ Benjamin sale - not impressed. Cant believe I waited in line! Also made me super claustrophobic and willing to pay price premium to get me out of the crowd!
e)Shopped some more. New books out! By Chabon! and Oondatje! and Jumpa Lahiri and Murakami! Bought the Chabon book. Will get to the rest later. Am currently reading strange book recommended by The Boyfriend.
f) New clothes! Generally should make me happier but was still angry with Boyfriend
g) Massage : woman almost killed me by strangling me when she massaged my neck
h) Fought and made up with Boyfriend
i) Worked a bit more - to catch up and make me feel less guilty about going out the next day

On Sunday I crept quietly into his place with they keys he gave me and offered a peace offering of apricot nectar. Made up some more and went for brunch! at our usual Sunday spot. I love having sunday brunch with him here. Its quiet and its just us, relaxing having a lazy Sunday

FYI: Paul decided not to come to Pavillion! *dies!* I was looking forward to having the great french chocolate cakes and hot chocolate that I used to sip on the streets of Paris. We were both shocked as we walked by to check if it was open. Shocked! to see it had instead been replaced with Corningware! He patted my hair gently as the shock slowly started to sink in

I realized that the only thing I need really is to spend some quality hours just me and him. And then Im ok, I can go off on my own, in fact I want! to go off on my own. And its much better for the both of us. He agrees, so we'll try and arrange something out

*Had yelled out in melodramatic sense* " I am NOT a MEETINGPLACE GIRLFRIEND"

So it was pretty nice today, went shopping a lil more (I seriously dont shop much,I just ended up buying three tops over span of two days)

And the weekend has kept a smile on my face for tom =)
1 Response
  1. Anonymous Says:

    whats a Meeting Place gf? x