I saw a picture of The Doctor today. He looked thinner. The same big smile though, the same shaven head.

I tried to remember us. But its eluded me now. A long time coming I guess to get over him and move on with life. I wanted to let go, but the funny thing is, the feeling was already gone. Long evaporated in the night.

How simple life is sometimes, that you spend all your life looking for love. And when you find it, sometimes have it thrown back to you, and you move on, meet other people. How easy it is to have all that love moved somewhere else. Kindled, grown.

You know whats the difference this time? He loves me back. As much as I do him.

It is a great feeling of equality. Knowing that. The difference from so many times before.

He's kidnapping me this weekend. I cant wait!
1 Response
  1. Anonymous Says:

    baby girl i'm so glad for you. its funny how our lives move in twin tandem, me and you. a little bizarre, a little spooky, even. but i'm happy for you, and me. we both deserve men who love us back, the way we love them - passionately and with no holds barred.

    can't wait for spain. xxxx