We dance the night away. I flirt with everyone to cover my tracks. To make sure nobody knows. And so we danced around everyday people. Once in a while our eyes locking together. Furtive glances as we pass each other. Fighting the urge to pull him down and kiss him. Little winks he gives me at the end of the day.

Everyone leaves. A little less upright, a lot more happier. I run into the bathroom to escape the group of people walking by.

He calls me
"Where are you?"

I let myself into his room. Using the key they had given me downstairs. I walk in and he looks at me. We kiss by his bed's edge, grabbing each other for all the seconds we could not before.

He is kind and gentle and amused. I am babbling incoherently. Unaware of what I was saying to him.

We sleep. He hugs me close and doesnt let go. For the first time since I have been with him we sleep without care. His snores no longer wakes me. I do not get up all night walking to the bathroom.

We wake up as his phone rings. I open my eyes to see him quickly getting ready.

He packs. I watch.


It is over, me and him. Nothing else to fight for. As much as I want him, he doesnt have it in him to fight for me.

He kisses me, a million kisses, and tells me he will find me the next time he is in town. I hug him from behind as he puts on his shoes. Smell him, and my sweat on him.

I miss him already. My taboo.

He kisses me again. Fina goodbyes, no tears, no misery.

My Taboo leaves me. Empty hearted yet again. Curled up in his bed smelled of us.

I wake up later. And he is gone. I pick up the things he had left behind. His namecard. His work documents. I pick up any reminders that he was ever there. Any evidence that I was.

Bye bye baby. I miss us dancing around everyday people. Knowing that they dont know what we have between us.
1 Response
  1. Anonymous Says:

    That is so sad.
    I've been reading your blog for a while now..and well i just feel bad for you.
    I hope your Mr. right comes soon.