Shall I be honest?
Perhaps not so..

There is this female. She is the partner to one of the men that I was/perhaps still am seeing. She would be like all the other ladies to me, except I keep on seeing her in magazines and on tv. See, this female. She is I guess what people would call, a 'celebrity'

Her stature doesn't bother me. However, having her face popping up all the time, somehow... hmm.. Im not so sure what would be the apt word... annoys (?) me.

I dont know. Maybe its because in all the times that I see her, she is smiling, laughing like the world was amazing. Like everything was fabulous. Things are great. Maybe its because I know that if she knew what was going on behind her back, her world may change. She would still have that smile and that laughter. But it would be strained.

Life after all, perhaps I was wrong. Is not always beautiful.

I still dont feel guilty or wrong for what is going on between her and her partner. With the little detail of which I am involved. If she thinks that life is perfect.

Its not. And I can pull the plug in a nano second.

I am mean. And vile. And evil. I know.

It is that power struggle. That power high. Within. Knowing that I can make a concrete difference in someone's life. Carve my name like a burning stake into the rest of their lives. To be able to split something so intricately intertwined.

I will not apologize for my actions. Nor will I ever disclose of whomever it is. Because after all, the power only lies when it is a secret.

I may speak of my sins here. But this is where it ends. Why in the world would I ever want to kiss and tell.

When kissing is fun enough
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