Tell me something, tell me anything. Tell me about your life about the smell the sun the skies. Tell me about the place where you run to, about the office you work from. About your house about your life.

Tell me.

Tell me about seeing dots flying in the sky. About the way the city looks, the city sounds. Of the food that you eat, the places you see.

Tell me something.

Tell me anything. Anything that lets me know who you are. Who you are becoming, while youre away from me. The hopes that you have. The dreams that you want.

Or tell me nothing. Hush.

But hold me close forever more
2 Responses
  1. Anonymous Says:

    tell me sayang
    how do i find you

    where do i go
    where do i make my way
    which path do i follow
    which shall i tread upon
    one that leads me to you

    tell me
    that you want to be found

    or tell me none
    and that life is good

    tell me love
    for i stood here waiting.

  2. Maneater Says:

    I am here, still here, in this giant web of anonymity.

    Find me. For I miss your voice, your presence. I sense how you had felt about my life here. My sunflowers slowly dropping as my sun shifts away.

    I am Chaos. In any permutation you can find.

    One day, some day, my ocean will finally be calmed.