Sometimes I can be superstitious. An old one that we know about is that when a person dreams about a snake, it generally means somebody is about to propose to you.

Last night I dreamt I was in a car with The Boyfriend. I dreamt a kitten was running around our legs. And then a snake. A baby cobra with gray scales and pink rings around it. Slithering between our legs and bags and on top of our bags. Remarkably close to the kitten

I remember worrying that the snake was going to bite The Boyfriend. And I tried to get him out of the car. The snake having slithered near the kitten, came out as well.

And then I bashed it and killed it with my high heels.

Each time I smacked its head it returned with a hiss, until it eventually died.


Am I trying to kill the idea of marriage here?
1 Response
  1. Anonymous Says:

    think you are fond of the idea.
    just maybe not to this guy.