How do I tell you,
Thank you.
A glimpse of a shadow out of the corner of my eye,
You stray in and out of my life,
Especially most needed.

How do I tell you,
Thank you.
Loyalty has no meaning between us,
Friendship means nothing between us
We have known each other what five? six? years now?

Our messages ebbing between hurt and pain
sunshine and darkness
daffodils and thorns
and sunflowers

But it is always love
That we speak off,
You and me,
Sometimes I wonder if you are the only person who really knows me
The only person who really 'gets' me
You understand
My twistedness

After all,
You were there with me through it all
Through my finding my self
Through my grasping my identity
Through tears, and laughter, soul searching and love searching
Through gothic times, and rebel times, and sunshiny times

So, I guess, I dont say thank you
Because thanks isnt really what we would expect of each other
What we wish for is love, and happiness, and joy
For one another

Youve wished it so many times for me

Enough self obsession
Enough self delusion

How are you Muse?
I love the reminder of your soul
1 Response
  1. rockstar Says:

    how do i respond
    to your sweet hello.

    these words and thoughts
    could not find perfect coherence.
    absolute familiarity.
    yet an absolute distance.

    how do you thanked
    i guess the same way one
    would thank happiness.
    by basking in it.
    by making it worth.

    i have aged. and weary.
    my texture of speech are too course. my words are ragged.
    they tend to offend most than not.

    emotionally blind.
    this shadow now before you.

    but there are times
    when i spent my lazy afternoon in the sun. over the grassy hill. where butterflies playfully circled the little white flowers.

    and i thought of you.
    years with you. the taste of memories felt most overwhelming.
    almost washed me over.

    i wish you well.
    i profoundly hope that there are others who could see you from my eyes. love and care for you more than a shadow could.

    for you a sunshine.
    shadows are simply spots beyond reach. no matter how loyal.
    no matter how true.

    how did i respond
    to your simple hello.