
Its not goodbye is it now? Or I most certainly hope not.

I miss you already
1 Response
  1. Anonymous Says:

    how does it compare.

    if all the syllables in each spoken languages combined
    if all tinges of melody in this universe combined
    if all the majestic appearances of this nature combined
    to form a singular word to reflect the depth of emotion concealed inside

    it would fail.

    not a single ounce would be comparable.

    if you take this earth with its sky and ocean,and the moon
    multiply with the masses of other planets and celestial bodies,
    compressed them into a singular being to form a counterweight against this burden inside

    it would fail.

    not a single mass would be comparable.

    no amount of wizardry and witchcraft,
    no amount of chanting and prayers,
    no amount of fear and laughter,
    and daily infused idiom and synchronicity,
    that this superficial world has to offer could stifle and contain what has transcended far beyond physical manifestation

    this magnitude of emotional distraught

    from missing you.

    i know.
    it does not compare.