I was cleaning up the condo today. Trying to get rid of more things, to make space for more things. I had done a major spring cleaning about a month plus ago, and gave all my unwanted clothes to my sis. I told her to give it to her friends, or sell it at about two dollars each. Instead, she brought it to her market bazaars, her flea markets, and sold my clothes and her clothes for a grand total of about 150 dollars one weekend, almost 200 the second weekend. (I shouldve arranged for a commission instead of a cup of coffee).

So I cleaned more, tried to minimize my clutter to the only few items that matters to me. Made more space for The Boyfriend. For him to leave his things here if he wanted to. In a more accessible location.

Thats when I found it, a card he had given to me last year. I remember him telling me he had a surprise, and that he wouldnt give it to me until the next morning. He had just returned from Cambodia and he refused to give me my surprise all night.

I opened the card... an alarm clock on the front

' Alarm clock... bad'

and inside

' waking up next to you : just right'

I love this card. Brought me smiles. Reminded me back of the time when we were in love with each other. Back when things were straightforward... when things were clear.

The water is clearing again, between us... slowly

That card....
I love that card for everything it reminds me off... for his signature at the bottom. Those words he said to me, and then took back... the word I dont expect to hear from him anymore...

Back when he would sign it

" Love, ...The Boyfriend"
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