Its 2.30 a.m.

We are in the office making sure our presentations have the same 'analysis' vs. 'Analysis' (on font size 6 mind you).

Our giant master model had to be revised... twice! because there was one mis-link that threw the whole market model off. And this after one week of trying to triangulate and make sense of all the data. When I say one week, I mean almost two, working until at least midnight to one every day.

On Sunday our boss requests us to go into the office from 12.30 p.m. We end up staying there till 1.30 a.m.

While I write this, its now 3 a.m. and we are still here. Cleaning up some smaller things, nitty gritty things, things that at 3 in the morning, I really couldnt care less about.

At 3 a.m. my boss asks for 2 more analysis cuts. Imagine how long it takes for us to do under normal circumstances. Now we've been looking without enough sleep for weeks, stressed and still! you want add new things. Killing the team.

My two colleagues on the case have it worst. While most of my work was frontloaded. (sleeping at 5 a.m.) their work has been bad all the way through. Theyve had to work at about 100 hours a week including the Sunday weekend we spent together and us putting in all the work this week.

Its quite bad. I worry about my colleague driving home in these conditions. I worry about us being completely useless on days on end because of this. This isnt even a fucking due diligence for god's sake. Why the hell am I working DD hours.

urgh... these are reminders as to why I should quit my job.

I miss my bed...
1 Response
  1. Anonymous Says:

    maybe u shud.
    unless if u love the job.

    people do not crack under pressure
    if they find it worthwhile.