Ive been swamped with work. Slowly, unknowingly to me... they have been lulling us into enjoying ourselves with 7.30p.m. office closures and case team dinners.... then WHAM!
All the work piles up. Ah well, at least there is something to do every day now, instead of mucking around while pretending to do work.

The trip to that tropical paradise was wonderful. Buddy and I barely left the room. Opting instead to rent a DVD player, bring some DVDs and cuddle up for some movies. We ordered room service, read and when we couldnt bear the thought of all the money we had waster to just stay inside in a tropical paradise, we dragged ourselves out, walked hand in hand by the beach, built a sand castle together, swam together and tanned (or burned in his case) together. We also went out for dinner.... three times.

It was good being with him and just him with no cares about work or the real world. It was nice to be able to hold hands and kiss in public and go back together. All those things you used to take for granted in the US.

We had talked a few days before we left and he started a conversation about jewellery which abruptly had to be stopped since we had to get off the phone. He insisted on continuing the topic of conversation on our holiday.

So whilst in the car, I brought up the topic and lo and behold! he asks me.
"So whats important in an engagement ring?"

Yes my dear friends. My jaw fell open, my stomach fell to my knees.

I blinked.

"You mean to me, or to women in general?"

and so we entered a discussion on it. No, he did not pop the question, nor did I even expect him to ask. After much deliberation with the best friend I had decided to not even try to think of the future and to let it be as it is. So, we discussed it as how we discussed every other topic. Rationally, calmly, laced with facts and figures.

I didnt think about it, nor do I want to think about it. I dont want to jump the gun. I dont want to ponder.

But it opened the door... Am I ready? Will I ever be ready?
1 Response
  1. Parishna Says:

    Oh my god.
    He could be planning something though.
    keep us informed!