When a man doesnt talk about the future with you. Doesnt gush about the possibilities of more time together, of doing things together. When a man makes plans on his own, future plans without you in it. When he shows no interest in your future intertwining with his. Job plans on his own, life plans on his own. No indication of protectiveness over you. When you cruise on a day to day basis...

He doesnt want a future with you. And you could be in it all alone.

He may love you in the here and now, but no, he will not love you forever.
1 Response
  1. Anonymous Says:

    two months late.

    when you gave it a name.
    i wanted to understand why it hurts.
    i was tracing for fault.
    cracks along the timeline.
    i wanted it to make sense.

    i wanted to tell you
    i am sorry.

    and whatever it is that you have.
    i have always find it extraordinary.
