I was in bed watching a movie yesterday (FINALLY) and was borrowing a movie to keep me company. Watched The Incredible Hulk amidst the yelling of my friend who insisted it was a bad movie and I not watch it. She kept on reminding me of it so much that I watched the movie with no expectation. Did not imagine Edward Norton would pull a good job and SURPRISE! I was entertained (I wasnt amazed, just entertained)

Even this weekend when The Boyfriend and I went off to watch Transformers 2, Miss C had already warned me to not have expectations. So I went, hoping for nothing, wanting for nothing, and I came out with a smile on my face. The Boyfriend instead, was disappointed at how the movie had turned out.

The project that Im on, this due diligence. We had been promised hours would get better after a few days, because of course we cant be working from 11 p.m. till 7a.m. continuosly right?

WRONG! cancelled dinner dates, planned vacations, sleep, friends. Watching my friends try to explain to their partners thats it going to be yet another long night. Yet another night without tucking daughters into bed. Slowly, just kills you.

Maybe its life in general, that has made me this way. You expect nothing, want nothing, hope nothing, and in the end you dont get disappointed, you dont get hurt

and when things go ok, you are just pleasantly surprised. Pleasantly happy
1 Response
  1. wolf Says:

    you know... that's what Mr Practical used to say to me... that if i had no expectations then I wouldn't be disappointment. But you know what... expectations make life into what you want it to be... just hoping that things will turn out the way you want it to doesn't cut it for me, i like to make things happen. so don't let go of ALL your expectations hunny. x