The more I am here, the more I realize I dont want to be here. Its a horrible catch 22 you see. My love for travel great, I am reminded time and time again about how truly magnificent it is. Last year I saw Hong Kong, Taiwan, Australia, Laos, Vietnam, India, Singapore, Indonesia, Thailand. This year I saw Spain, Dubai, Abu Dhabi...

By this weeks end, I will return to the Middle East to spend one week with The Boyfriend, running off to an island of left behind game reserve.

Early in the 2009, the Boyfriend and I are hoping to head back to India, this time to Agra for the Taj Mahal, Kashmir to watch him ski, and Delhi to dance the night away while a friend gets married amidst the laughter, singing and dancing.

Every time I come back, I feel tired, depressed and wanting for more. I am addicted, to seeing the world and learning about it. My tv constantly tuned to the travel channel, my envy for the likes of Samantha Brown insurmountable.

I miss being a nomad, and I miss being home. Entering the office is a depressing ordeal. Yet I remind myself that I have to do it. If not, I wont be able to afford all these travels. So I have to work to leave, yet when I leave I never want to come back.

Maybe if I saved enough I would be able to do it. One year before or after my business school, to just leave for a few months and continue my journey exploring....
1 Response
  1. Anonymous Says:

    dude everytime i watch samantha brown i get so annoyed and jealous!!! jealous cuz that's like the best job in the world and annoyed cuz she's really kinda annoying - GET A NEW HAIRDO!